How to Make Spring Boot Force to Use a Specific Profile (Disable Others)
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How to Make Spring Boot Force to Use a Specific Profile (Disable Others)

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Are you tired of dealing with multiple profiles in your Spring Boot application? Do you want to force your application to use a specific profile and disable all others? If so, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that.

Why Use Profiles in Spring Boot?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand why we use profiles in Spring Boot in the first place. Profiles allow you to customize your application’s behavior based on different environments, such as development, testing, and production. By using profiles, you can:

  • Configure different database settings for different environments
  • Use different API keys or credentials for different environments
  • Enable or disable features based on the environment
  • And much more!

However, sometimes you might want to force your application to use a specific profile and disable all others. This is where we come in!

How to Force Spring Boot to Use a Specific Profile

There are several ways to force Spring Boot to use a specific profile. Here are a few approaches:

Method 1: Using the `` Property

One way to force Spring Boot to use a specific profile is by using the `` property in your `` file. For example:

    active: dev

This will tell Spring Boot to use the `dev` profile and ignore all other profiles.

Method 2: Using the `@Profile` Annotation

Another way to force Spring Boot to use a specific profile is by using the `@Profile` annotation on your configuration classes. For example:

public class DevConfig {
  // configuration for dev profile

This will tell Spring Boot to use the `dev` profile and ignore all other profiles.

Method 3: Using Environment Variables

You can also use environment variables to force Spring Boot to use a specific profile. For example:


This will tell Spring Boot to use the `dev` profile and ignore all other profiles.

Method 4: Using Programmatic Configuration

If you want more control over which profile is used, you can use programmatic configuration to force Spring Boot to use a specific profile. For example:

public class MyApplication {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication application = new SpringApplication(MyApplication.class);

This will tell Spring Boot to use the `dev` profile and ignore all other profiles.

How to Disable Other Profiles

Once you’ve forced Spring Boot to use a specific profile, you’ll want to disable all other profiles to ensure that they don’t interfere with your application’s behavior. Here are a few ways to do that:

Method 1: Using the `spring.profiles.exclude` Property

One way to disable other profiles is by using the `spring.profiles.exclude` property in your `` file. For example:

    exclude: '!dev'

This will tell Spring Boot to exclude all profiles except for the `dev` profile.

Method 2: Using the `@Profile` Annotation with `!` Operator

Another way to disable other profiles is by using the `@Profile` annotation with the `!` operator on your configuration classes. For example:

public class NotDevConfig {
  // configuration for all profiles except dev

This will tell Spring Boot to exclude the `dev` profile and use all other profiles.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

When forcing Spring Boot to use a specific profile, there are a few common pitfalls to watch out for:

Pitfall Solution
Profile not being picked up Check that the profile is spelled correctly and that the correct configuration files are being used.
Multiple profiles being picked up Check that you’re not accidentally enabling multiple profiles through environment variables or other configuration files.
Profile not being disabled Check that you’re using the correct syntax for disabling profiles, such as using the `!` operator.

By being aware of these common pitfalls, you can troubleshoot and resolve any issues that arise when forcing Spring Boot to use a specific profile.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to force Spring Boot to use a specific profile and disable all others. We’ve covered four different methods for doing so, including using the `` property, the `@Profile` annotation, environment variables, and programmatic configuration. We’ve also discussed how to disable other profiles and provided troubleshooting tips for common pitfalls. By following these instructions, you can take control of your Spring Boot application’s behavior and ensure that it’s using the correct profile for your environment.

Do you have any other questions about using profiles in Spring Boot? Let us know in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of Spring Boot profiles! In this FAQ, we’ll dive into the world of profiles and explore how to make Spring Boot force use a specific one (while disabling others). Buckle up, folks!

Q1: How can I specify a default profile in Spring Boot?

You can specify a default profile in Spring Boot by adding the `spring.profiles.default` property in your `` file. For example, `spring.profiles.default=prod` would set the default profile to “prod”.

Q2: Can I force Spring Boot to use a specific profile from the command line?

Yes, you can! Use the `–` command-line argument to specify the profile you want to use. For example, `java -jar myapp.jar –` would activate the “stg” profile.

Q3: How can I disable all other profiles except for the one I want to use?

You can use the `spring.profiles.include` property to specify the profile you want to include, and set `spring.profiles.exclude` to `*` to exclude all other profiles. For example, `spring.profiles.include=prod` and `spring.profiles.exclude=*` would only include the “prod” profile.

Q4: Can I programmatically set the active profile in a Spring Boot application?

Yes, you can! You can use the `SpringApplication.setAdditionalProfiles()` method to programmatically set the active profile. For example, `SpringApplication.setAdditionalProfiles(“stg”)` would activate the “stg” profile.

Q5: How can I determine which profile is currently active in a Spring Boot application?

You can use the `Environment` bean to determine which profile is currently active. For example, `@Autowired Environment env;` and then `env.getActiveProfiles()` would return an array of active profiles.