Broken DNS Resolver on Arm Mac for Docker Container: The Ultimate Fix
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Broken DNS Resolver on Arm Mac for Docker Container: The Ultimate Fix

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Running Docker containers on an Arm-based Mac can be a bit of a wild ride. One common issue that many developers face is the broken DNS resolver. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re struggling with the same problem. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What’s the Issue?

The broken DNS resolver on Arm Mac for Docker containers manifests in various ways, but the most common symptom is that your Docker containers can’t resolve domain names. You might see errors like “Unknown host” or “DNS resolution failed” when trying to access external resources from within your container.

Why Does This Happen?

The root cause of this issue lies in the way Docker interacts with the host system’s DNS resolver on Arm-based Macs. Docker uses the host’s DNS resolver to resolve domain names, but on Arm Macs, the DNS resolver is not correctly configured by default.

Solution: Fixing the Broken DNS Resolver

Before we dive into the solution, make sure you have the latest versions of Docker and the macOS operating system installed on your Arm-based Mac.

Step 1: Update the Docker Daemon Configuration

Let’s start by updating the Docker daemon configuration to use the correct DNS resolver. Create a new file at `/etc/docker/daemon.json` with the following content:

  "dns": ["", ""]

This configuration tells Docker to use Google’s public DNS servers ( and instead of the host’s DNS resolver. You can use any other public DNS servers you prefer, but Google’s DNS servers are a popular choice.

Step 2: Restart the Docker Daemon

Once you’ve updated the configuration, restart the Docker daemon to apply the changes:

sudo launchctl stop com.docker.docker
sudo launchctl start com.docker.docker

Step 3: Update the Docker Container Configuration

For existing containers, you’ll need to update the container’s DNS configuration to use the new DNS resolver. You can do this by running the following command:

docker exec -it  /bin/bash -c "echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf"

Replace `` with the actual name of your container. This command appends the Google DNS server IP address to the container’s `/etc/resolv.conf` file.

Step 4: Verify the Fix

Finally, let’s verify that the fix worked! Create a new container or restart an existing one and run a DNS lookup command to test the DNS resolution:

docker run -it --rm ubuntu:latest /bin/bash -c "dig"

If everything is working correctly, you should see the DNS resolution results for ``. Congratulations, you’ve fixed the broken DNS resolver on your Arm Mac for Docker containers!

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the problem:

  • Check your Docker version: Ensure you’re running the latest version of Docker. You can check your Docker version by running `docker –version`.

  • Verify your daemon configuration: Double-check that your `/etc/docker/daemon.json` file has the correct DNS server IP addresses.

  • Check container logs: Review your container logs to see if there are any errors related to DNS resolution. You can do this by running `docker logs `.

  • Try a different DNS server: If you’re using a public DNS server, try switching to a different one to see if the issue persists.


Broken DNS resolvers can be frustrating, but with these steps, you should be able to fix the issue on your Arm Mac for Docker containers. Remember to update your Docker daemon configuration, restart the Docker daemon, update your container configuration, and verify the fix. If you’re still experiencing issues, try the troubleshooting tips provided. Happy containerizing!

Section Description
Step 1 Update Docker daemon configuration to use correct DNS resolver
Step 2 Restart Docker daemon to apply configuration changes
Step 3 Update container configuration to use new DNS resolver
Step 4 Verify DNS resolution works correctly in container

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the broken DNS resolver issue on your Arm Mac for Docker containers. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!


Here are some frequently asked questions related to the broken DNS resolver on Arm Mac for Docker containers:

  1. Q: Why do I need to update the Docker daemon configuration?

    A: Updating the Docker daemon configuration tells Docker to use the correct DNS resolver, which fixes the broken DNS resolver issue.

  2. Q: Can I use a different DNS server instead of Google’s DNS?

    A: Yes, you can use any public DNS server you prefer. Just update the `/etc/docker/daemon.json` file and container configuration accordingly.

  3. Q: Will this fix affect my other Docker containers?

    A: Yes, this fix will apply to all Docker containers running on your Arm Mac. If you’re running multiple containers, you’ll need to update each container’s configuration individually.

We hope this article has helped you resolve the broken DNS resolver issue on your Arm Mac for Docker containers. If you have any further questions or need assistance with other Docker-related issues, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Keywords: Broken DNS resolver, Arm Mac, Docker containers, DNS resolution, Google DNS, Docker daemon configuration

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling with a broken DNS resolver on your Arm Mac for a Docker container? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

What is a broken DNS resolver, and why is it affecting my Docker container?

A broken DNS resolver occurs when your Docker container can’t resolve domain names to IP addresses, making it impossible for your container to communicate with the outside world. This is often due to incorrect DNS configuration or Arm Mac specific issues.

How do I check if my DNS resolver is broken?

Run the command `docker run –rm busybox nslookup` in your terminal. If the command returns an error or timeout, your DNS resolver is likely broken.

What are some common causes of a broken DNS resolver on Arm Mac?

Common causes include incorrect DNS settings in your Docker configuration file, macOS’s built-in DNS resolver not working correctly with Arm Mac, or issues with your network configuration. Check your Docker configuration file and network settings to isolate the problem.

How do I fix a broken DNS resolver on my Arm Mac for Docker containers?

Try setting the `dns` option in your Docker configuration file to a working DNS server, such as `` or ``. You can also try disabling and re-enabling the DNS resolver or resetting your network settings. If none of these solutions work, consider seeking help from Docker or Arm Mac support forums.

Are there any Docker configuration file examples that can help me fix the broken DNS resolver?

Yes, here’s an example of a Docker configuration file that sets the DNS server to ``: `{ “dns”: [“”] }`. You can modify this example to fit your specific needs and DNS server preferences.

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