<ScrollControls>, <Scroll>, and <Html> in React Three Fiber: Unraveling the Nesting Conundrum
Image by Breezy - hkhazo.biz.id

<ScrollControls>, <Scroll>, and <Html> in React Three Fiber: Unraveling the Nesting Conundrum

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Are you a React Three Fiber enthusiast struggling to understand the intricacies of <ScrollControls>, <Scroll>, and <Html>? Do you find yourself wondering whether it’s possible to nest <Html> inside of <Scroll>? Fear not, dear reader, for this article will delve into the depths of these components, providing clear and direct instructions to guide you through the complexities of React Three Fiber.

The Basics: Understanding <ScrollControls>, <Scroll>, and <Html>

Before we dive into the nesting conundrum, let’s establish a solid foundation by exploring each of these components individually.


<ScrollControls> is a component in React Three Fiber that enables scrolling interactions within a 3D scene. It provides a set of controls that allow users to navigate through the scene using mouse or touch events. Think of it as a camera controller that lets users pan, zoom, and rotate the scene.

    <ambientLight />
    <mesh ref={(mesh) => setMesh(mesh)} />


<Scroll> is another crucial component in React Three Fiber that allows you to create a scrolling experience within a 3D scene. It works in tandem with <ScrollControls> to provide a seamless scrolling experience. Think of <Scroll> as a container that wraps around your 3D content, enabling the scrolling functionality.

    <mesh ref={(mesh) => setMesh(mesh)} />


<Html> is a component that enables the rendering of HTML elements within a 3D scene. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to inject HTML content into your 3D environment, creating immersive and interactive experiences.

      <p>Hello, World!</p>

The Nesting Conundrum: Can We Nest <Html> Inside of <Scroll>?

Now that we’ve established a solid foundation, let’s tackle the main question: can we nest <Html> inside of <Scroll>? The short answer is yes, but with some caveats.

Yes, you can nest <Html> inside of <Scroll>, but it’s essential to understand the implications of doing so. When you nest <Html> inside of <Scroll>, you’re essentially creating a scrolling experience within a 3D scene that contains HTML elements. This can be incredibly powerful, allowing you to create immersive experiences that blend 3D and 2D content.

        <p>Hello, World!</p>

However, there are some limitations to consider:

  • Performance**: Nesting <Html> inside of <Scroll> can lead to performance issues, especially if you’re dealing with complex HTML content or large datasets. Be mindful of the performance implications and optimize your code accordingly.
  • Layout Management**: When nesting <Html> inside of <Scroll>, you’ll need to manage the layout of your HTML elements within the scrolling context. This can become complex, especially if you’re dealing with responsive designs or dynamic content.
  • Event Handling**: When scrolling, event handling can become tricky. You’ll need to ensure that events are properly propagated and handled within the scrolling context.

Best Practices for Nesting <Html> Inside of <Scroll>

Now that we’ve established the core concepts and limitations, let’s explore some best practices for nesting <Html> inside of <Scroll>

Optimize Performance

To optimize performance, consider the following strategies:

  • Use caching**: Cache your HTML content to reduce the load on your application.
  • Optimize HTML structure**: Simplify your HTML structure to reduce the complexity of your layout.
  • Use lazy loading**: Load HTML content only when it’s needed, reducing the initial load on your application.

Manage Layout and Events

To manage layout and events, consider the following strategies:

  • Use a layout management library**: Utilize a library like Flexbox or Grid to manage the layout of your HTML elements within the scrolling context.
  • Use event delegation**: Implement event delegation to ensure that events are properly propagated and handled within the scrolling context.
  • Use a scrolling library**: Leverage a scrolling library like react-scroll to simplify the scrolling experience and handle events.


In conclusion, nesting <Html> inside of <Scroll> is indeed possible, but it requires careful consideration of performance, layout management, and event handling. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to create immersive and interactive experiences that blend 3D and 2D content.

Component Description
<ScrollControls> Enables scrolling interactions within a 3D scene.
<Scroll> Creates a scrolling experience within a 3D scene.
<Html> Renders HTML elements within a 3D scene.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Nesting <Html> inside of <Scroll> requires careful planning and execution to ensure a seamless and performant experience. Happy coding!

  1. React Three Fiber Documentation
  2. React Three Fiber GitHub Repository
  3. React Three Fiber on Stack Overflow

Have questions or need further clarification? Feel free to ask in the comments below!

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Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of React Three Fiber and unlock the secrets of <ScrollControls>, <Scroll>, and <Html> components!

Is it allowed to nest <Html> inside of <Scroll>?

Yes, you can definitely nest <Html> inside of <Scroll>. In fact, <Scroll> is designed to be used with <Html> components. By doing so, you can create interactive and immersive experiences that combine the power of HTML and Three.js.

What is the purpose of <ScrollControls> in React Three Fiber?

The <ScrollControls> component allows you to control the scrolling behavior of your scene. You can use it to create custom scrolling experiences, such as infinite scrolling, cursor-based scrolling, or even binding scrolling to specific keyboard or mouse events. The possibilities are endless!

Can I use <Html> without <Scroll> in React Three Fiber?

Yes, you can use <Html> without <Scroll> in React Three Fiber. However, keep in mind that <Html> is designed to work seamlessly with <Scroll>, so you might miss out on some of the awesome features that come with combining the two. But hey, flexibility is key, and React Three Fiber’s got you covered!

How do I customize the appearance of my <Html> components in React Three Fiber?

You can customize the appearance of your <Html> components by using CSS styles. Yep, you read that right – CSS styles! React Three Fiber allows you to use your favorite CSS techniques to style your HTML elements, making it easy to create visually stunning experiences.

What happens if I don’t use <ScrollControls> at all in React Three Fiber?

If you don’t use <ScrollControls> at all, your scene will still work, but you’ll miss out on the ability to customize the scrolling behavior. By default, React Three Fiber will use its internal scrolling mechanism, which might not be exactly what you need. So, if you want more control over your scrolling experience, <ScrollControls> is the way to go!