Solving the “MySQL with Recursive Table Can’t Reopen Issue”: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Solving the “MySQL with Recursive Table Can’t Reopen Issue”: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of hitting a roadblock while working with MySQL recursive tables, only to be met with the frustrating “can’t reopen” error? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of recursive tables, explore the reasons behind this issue, and provide you with practical solutions to overcome it.

Understanding Recursive Tables in MySQL

Recursive tables, also known as Common Table Expressions (CTEs), are a powerful feature in MySQL that allow you to perform hierarchical queries. They enable you to write more efficient and readable code, especially when working with tree-like structures or hierarchical data.

WITH RECURSIVE employee_hierarchy AS (
  SELECT employee_id, manager_id, 0 AS level
  FROM employees
  WHERE manager_id IS NULL
  SELECT e.employee_id, e.manager_id, level + 1
  FROM employees e
  INNER JOIN employee_hierarchy m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id
SELECT * FROM employee_hierarchy;

In this example, we create a recursive table to fetch the employee hierarchy, starting from the top-level managers (where manager_id is NULL) and recursively joining the employees table to fetch the reporting structure.

The “Can’t Reopen” Issue: Why Does it Happen?

When working with recursive tables, you might encounter the “can’t reopen” error, which occurs when MySQL attempts to reopen a table that’s already being used in a recursive operation. This issue typically arises when:

  • You’re using a recursive CTE in a subquery or a derived table.
  • You’re referencing a table that’s already part of the recursive operation.
  • The recursive operation is not properly terminated (i.e., there’s no anchor table or no stopping condition).

Solutions to the “Can’t Reopen” Issue

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here are some practical solutions to overcome the “can’t reopen” error:

Solution 1: Use a Derived Table Instead of a Subquery

Instead of using a subquery, try rewriting your recursive query using a derived table. This approach can help avoid the “can’t reopen” error.

WITH RECURSIVE employee_hierarchy AS (
  SELECT employee_id, manager_id, 0 AS level
  FROM employees
  WHERE manager_id IS NULL
  SELECT e.employee_id, e.manager_id, level + 1
  FROM (
    SELECT * FROM employee_hierarchy
  ) m
  INNER JOIN employees e ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id
SELECT * FROM employee_hierarchy;

Solution 2: Use a Temporary Table or a Materialized CTE

Materialize the intermediate results of your recursive operation into a temporary table or a materialized CTE. This approach can help MySQL avoid reopening the table.

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE employee_hierarchy_temp AS
WITH RECURSIVE employee_hierarchy AS (
  SELECT employee_id, manager_id, 0 AS level
  FROM employees
  WHERE manager_id IS NULL
  SELECT e.employee_id, e.manager_id, level + 1
  FROM employees e
  INNER JOIN employee_hierarchy m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id
SELECT * FROM employee_hierarchy;

SELECT * FROM employee_hierarchy_temp;

Solution 3: Optimize Your Recursive Query

Optimize your recursive query by reducing the number of joins or subqueries. This can help improve performance and avoid the “can’t reopen” error.

WITH RECURSIVE employee_hierarchy AS (
  SELECT employee_id, manager_id, 0 AS level
  FROM employees
  WHERE manager_id IS NULL
  SELECT e.employee_id, e.manager_id, level + 1
  FROM employees e
  WHERE e.manager_id IN (SELECT employee_id FROM employee_hierarchy)
SELECT * FROM employee_hierarchy;

Solution 4: Use a Non-Recursive Approach (When Possible)

In some cases, you might be able to rewrite your recursive query using a non-recursive approach. While this might not always be possible, it’s worth considering as a last resort.

SELECT e1.employee_id, e1.manager_id, 0 AS level
FROM employees e1
WHERE e1.manager_id IS NULL
SELECT e2.employee_id, e2.manager_id, level + 1
FROM employees e2
INNER JOIN employees e3 ON e2.manager_id = e3.employee_id;

In this example, we’ve rewritten the recursive query using a non-recursive approach, which might not be as efficient or scalable as the original recursive query.

Best Practices for Working with Recursive Tables in MySQL

To avoid the “can’t reopen” issue and ensure optimal performance when working with recursive tables, follow these best practices:

  1. Use recursive CTEs judiciously: Only use recursive CTEs when necessary, and consider alternative approaches when possible.
  2. Optimize your recursive query: Minimize the number of joins and subqueries to improve performance and reduce the likelihood of the “can’t reopen” error.
  3. Use materialized CTEs or temporary tables: Consider materializing intermediate results or using temporary tables to avoid reopening tables.
  4. Verify your query plan: Use the EXPLAIN statement to analyze your query plan and identify potential bottlenecks.
  5. Test and iterate: Test your recursive queries thoroughly and iterate on optimizations to ensure optimal performance and avoid the “can’t reopen” error.


In this article, we’ve explored the concept of recursive tables in MySQL, identified the causes of the “can’t reopen” issue, and provided practical solutions to overcome it. By following the best practices outlined above and using the solutions presented, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle complex hierarchical queries with confidence.

Solution Description
Derived Table Use a derived table instead of a subquery to avoid the “can’t reopen” error.
Temporary Table or Materialized CTE Materialize intermediate results to avoid reopening tables.
Optimize Recursive Query Minimize joins and subqueries to improve performance and reduce the likelihood of the error.
Non-Recursive Approach Rewrite the recursive query using a non-recursive approach (when possible).

With these solutions and best practices in your toolkit, you’ll be well on your way to mastering recursive tables in MySQL and avoiding the “can’t reopen” issue once and for all!

Frequently Asked Questions

Stuck with the infamous “MySQL with recursive table can’t reopen” issue? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you overcome this hurdle:

What is the “MySQL with recursive table can’t reopen” issue, and why does it occur?

This error occurs when MySQL attempts to reopen a recursive table, which is not allowed. It’s a limitation in MySQL’s recursive query implementation. When a recursive query is executed, the table is temporarily locked to prevent further modifications. However, when the query tries to access the table again, MySQL throws this error, indicating that the table can’t be reopened.

How can I avoid the “MySQL with recursive table can’t reopen” issue?

One way to avoid this issue is to rewrite your recursive query using a derived table or a temporary table. This allows you to separate the recursive logic from the main query, avoiding the table re-opening issue. Alternatively, you can use a stored procedure or a user-defined function to encapsulate the recursive logic.

Can I use views to workaround the “MySQL with recursive table can’t reopen” issue?

Yes, views can be a possible workaround. You can create a view that encapsulates the recursive query, and then use the view in your main query. Since views are essentially named queries, they can help avoid the table re-opening issue. However, be cautious when using views, as they can have performance implications and may require additional maintenance.

Are there any MySQL settings or configurations that can help mitigate the “MySQL with recursive table can’t reopen” issue?

Unfortunately, there are no specific MySQL settings or configurations that can directly mitigate this issue. However, you can consider increasing the `max_heap_table_size` and `tmp_table_size` variables to allow for larger temporary tables, which might help in certain scenarios. Additionally, optimizing your recursive query and reducing the number of iterations can also help reduce the likelihood of encountering this issue.

Will the “MySQL with recursive table can’t reopen” issue be fixed in future MySQL versions?

While there’s no official word from the MySQL developers on fixing this specific issue, MySQL has been actively improving its recursive query implementation in recent versions. It’s possible that future versions might address this limitation. In the meantime, it’s essential to develop workaround strategies and optimize your recursive queries to minimize the impact of this issue.